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Former Acting Head of Landsrecherche suspended pending internal investigation.

lucygachette15052024PHILIPSBURG:--- Demissionary Minister of Justice Lyndon Lewis has ordered the suspension of former acting head of the Landsrechereche Chief Inspector Lucy Gachette as of Monday, September 16, 2024. Gachette was suspended with pay as the internal investigation heightened.
Gachette took the government of St. Maarten to court on Friday, September 13th, 2024, when she asked that the internal investigation against her person be sped up.
SMN News learned that the Minister of Justice Lyndon Lewis appeared with a government attorney and agreed to speed up the investigation. It is understood that when an internal investigation occurs, the person or persons involved, or the investigation is against, cannot be on the job. `
In May 2024, Minister Lewis removed the acting head from the position because, according to the Minister, the position did not exist. Since then, the position has been opened, and persons interested can apply.

Chief Inspector Lucy Gachette served as Acting Head of the Landsrecherche for the past 12 years.
In May, the Minister told SMN News that when Chief Inspector Gachette was removed from her position, she did not suffer any losses. He said the removal as temporary head was to facilitate an in-depth investigation since the country’s security was threatened.

Lewis further explained that the position of “head” of the Landsrecherché had opened several times, and Gachette did not apply for it.

On Monday, the Minister said in an invited comment that his safety had been threatened by persons close to the Chief Inspector. He said information relating to the case has also been leaked to third parties. Minister Lewis said he was confronted on the French side of the island by persons close to the Chief Inspector and the same person he said approached him again since the court case on Friday.
The Minister made clear that the Chief Inspector was asked to stay off the property while the investigation intensified. He said she was asked not to report to duty, but that did not affect her salary and other benefits.


Caribbean Wellness Day – Promoting and Maintaining Healthy Lifestyles.

PHILIPSBURG (DCOMM):---  Caribbean Wellness Day (CWD) was observed across the region on Saturday, September 14, reminding regional communities to take action and maintain healthy lifestyles under the theme ‘Power Through Collective Action’: “Good Health is our Right.”

CWD is also about promoting collectively good health and well-being of the whole of society, the Collective Prevention Service (CPS), a department within the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labor (Ministry VSA) said.
Non-Communicable Diseases are prevalent in Sint Maarten and within the region such as Obesity, Hypertension, Diabetes, Heart Disease and Mental Health to name a few.
Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor Veronica Jansen Webster CWD message over the weekend was: “This Caribbean Wellness Day 2024, under the theme “Good Health is our Right,” is an essential opportunity for Sint Maarten to join the region and international community in promoting activities to increase awareness and support healthy lifestyle behaviors.
“Sint Maarten has been proactive in undertaking measures to ensure that there are collective efforts to increase awareness through its annual Calendar of Health Observance which highlights Caribbean Wellness Day, as well as raising awareness for Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) that impacts our community such as hypertension, diabetes, prostate and breast cancer.
“Our Ministry of Public Health Social Development, and Labor established a NCDs National Plan which takes a strategic approach to reduce the population burden of NCDs through prevention and supporting policy.
“With these and many more activities, we aim to achieve healthier behaviors thereby creating a healthy environment and community, supported by a collective approach in the decision-making process.”
The CWD theme is also in line with the World Health Organizations (WHO) World Health Day 2024 theme back in April of ‘My Health, my right.’
CPS is calling on all citizens to review their eating habits and behaviors to see what can be changed to prevent chronic diseases like hypertension and diabetes that lead to heart attacks, strokes, and premature death.
Many cancers are attributable to lifestyles acquired while we mature from youngsters to the aged (adulthood). Changes made to poor dietary practices and the lack of activity such as exercise can greatly improve health outcomes and overall wellness.
CPS encourages members of the community to consult with their family physician or other health related organizations to learn more about healthy lifestyles and take action to improve the overall wellness, and to participate and get involved in promoting health and wellness in their neighborhoods, making health a right for all be it my right, your right, our right.
Striving for good quality health is a vision that requires a continued collective approach, and it is a must for everyone! Influencing positive lifestyle changes is by working together to better our health.
The CARICOM Heads of Summit on Chronic Diseases in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, September 2007, established Caribbean Wellness Day.
Caribbean Wellness Day is observed every year on the second Saturday of September.

CPS: Stay cool and hydrated as extremely hot weather can cause illness.

PHILIPSBURG  (DCOMM):---  Heatwaves are among the most dangerous of natural hazards that have a significant impact on society, the Collective Prevention Services (CPS), a department in the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labor (Ministry VSA) points out.

Considering extreme warm temperatures, which can affect one’s health, CPS is cautioning persons to take the necessary steps to stay cool and hydrated. Extremely hot weather can cause sickness or in severe cases even death.

Those who are particularly vulnerable because they adjust to heat more slowly than other people are infants, children up to age four, and adults over the age of 65.

Certain health conditions are risk factors associated with heat-related illness, and these include kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity or underweight, sickle cell and mental illness.

Persons with chronic illness are at an increased risk for heat-related illness. Persons should check with their physician to discuss their health condition and medications if their ability is likely to be affected to cope with extreme heat and humidity.

Heat stress is heat-related illness caused by your body’s inability to cool down properly. The body normally cools itself by sweating, but under some conditions, sweating just isn’t enough. In such cases, a person’s body temperature rises rapidly. Very high body temperatures may damage the brain or other vital organs.

Although anyone at any time can suffer from heat-related illness, some people are at greater risk than others it is necessary that these persons should be monitored by a family member or friend from time to time at least twice a day such as infants and young children; people 65 years of age or older; people who are overweight; people who overexert during work or exercise; people who are physically ill, especially with heart disease or high blood pressure, or who take certain medications, such as for depression, insomnia, or poor circulation.

Infants, young children, and elderly, of course, need much more frequent watching.

During the hottest hours of the day stay out of the sun; to prevent health-related illness follow a few simple steps.
When you’re out in the hot sun, use sunscreen with SPF of 30 and/or an umbrella.

Stay in an air-conditioned area or well-ventilated cool area. If you don't have air conditioning make use of public places such as shops, a shopping mall, library or go by a friend or family to stay cool.

Wear light, loose-fitting clothing. Drink water often; invest in a water bottle to keep with you at all times and refill as soon as it is empty. Don't wait until you are thirsty. Make it a habit to take a sip every now and then. Drink at least two litres of water per day.

Avoid unnecessary strenuous physical activities if you are outside or in a building without air-conditioning. Avoid unnecessary sun exposure, wear a hat, preferably with a wide brim and use shades to protect your eyes from ultraviolet over exposure.

A cool and/or shaded environment is the strongest protective factor against heat-related illness. Exposure to cool air for even a few hours a day will reduce the risk for heat-related illness.

Stay away from very sugary or alcoholic drinks as these actually cause you to lose more body fluid. Also avoid very cold drinks because they can cause stomach cramps.

Heavy sweating removes salt and minerals from the body that need to be replaced. A sports drink can replace the salt and minerals you lose in sweat.

If you are on a low-salt diet, have diabetes, high blood pressure, or other chronic conditions, talk with your doctor before drinking a sports beverage or taking salt tablets.

Provide plenty of fresh water for your pets and leave the water in a shady area.

CPS reminds the public of Sint Maarten during heavy periods of heat to take the necessary measures to protect themselves and family against heat-related illness.

Central Committee meeting of Parliament regarding the report on the work visit to a ParlAmericas General Assembly in Asunsion, Paraguay and Approval composition delegations to several work travels.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The House of Parliament will sit in a Central Committee meeting on September 17, 2024.

The Central Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday at 10.00 hrs. in the Legislative Hall at Wilhelminastraat #1 in Philipsburg.

The agenda points are:
1. Report on the 20thPlenary Assembly and the 8th Gathering of the Open Parliament Network of ParlAmericas in Asunción, Paraguay, May 8-10, 2024(IS/1058/2023-2024 dated September 6, 2024)


2. Invitation for the President of Parliament to attend the reception celebration of the 75thAnniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China on September 23, 2024, in Willemstad, Curacao (IS/1035/2023-2024, dated August 30, 2024)

3. Approval of travel schedule for the 2nd Semester of the year 2024 in connection with Committee, General Assembly (Assamblea), Board of Directors (Junta Directiva) and Eurolat meetings of Parlatino (IS/1066/2023-2024 dated September 9, 2024)

4. Approval of composition delegation and provisions for Members of Parliament to participate in the Tripartite meeting in Willemstad, Curacao on October 28, 2024 (IS/1064/2023-2024 dated September 9, 2024)

5. Approval of composition delegation and provisions for Members of Parliament to participate in the 8thGathering of the Parliamentary Network on Climate Change and Sustainability, the 16thGathering of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality and the XI Meeting of the Interparliamentary Commission on Women’s Rights and Gender Equity of the FOPREL, in San José, Costa Rica, from October 23-25, 2024 (IS/1031/2023-2024 dated August 26, 2024)

6. Vooraankondiging en uitnodiging InterExpo 35e Jublieumcongres " Viering 70 jaar Statuut Koninkrijk der Nederlanden" van 10-12 december 2024, Den Haag, Nederland (IS/410/2023-2024 dated February 19, 2024)


All persons visiting the House of Parliament must adhere to the house rules.

The House of Parliament is located across from the Court House in Philipsburg.

The parliamentary sessions will be carried live on TV 15, Soualiga Headlines, via SXM GOV radio FM 107.9, via Pearl Radio FM 98.1, the audio via the internet, and


CAFt emphasizes the necessity of the improvement process for Aruba’s financial management.

 caftboardaruba16092024Oranjestad;--- Aruba’s economy is rapidly growing. The image shown by government finance is also a positive one. Since 2022, the budgets have been adopted timely. However, the justification information falls behind, as shown by the fact that both the implementation reports and the annual accounts are submitted late. This undermines Parliament's budgetary right and control function. The CAft applauds the initiated improvement trajectory to durably restore order in financial management. It is of importance that Aruba now makes significant steps and prioritizes the improvement trajectory.


Budget and justification cycle

The draft budget for 2025 has been timely submitted to Parliament. For 2025, as well as multiannually, the budget amply meets the central budgetary standard, which prescribes a minimum surplus of 1 percent of the gross domestic product. The Cft appreciates these positive results.

However, the implementation and justification process is still lagging behind. Both the implementation reports and the annual accounts are submitted late. Since late 2022, the delay in the submission of implementation reports has risen to three months. The CAft and Parliament are, therefore, unable to sufficiently assess to which extent the budget is realistic, which means the implementation of their control tasks is hindered.

Aruba is also far behind in adopting the annual accounts. The 2019 accounts, for example, have not yet been submitted to Parliament. Therefore, it is unclear when these annual accounts will be adopted.


Improvement trajectory financial management

Aruba is currently working on a new reporting system and on the improvement of the supervision of the country’s income and expenses. The CAft would like to emphasize that the responsibility for due financial management extends beyond the Minister of Finance. Each Minister will have to make efforts to ensure it is implemented at their department. Adequate financial management is important when it comes to ensuring that public resources are adequately used, without wasting or misusing them. Also, it provides Parliament with a better insight into the actual financial standing of the country. This is essential for a reliable government. It is therefore of the utmost importance that Aruba now realizes substantial improvements.


Government entities

Recently, the Court of Audits of Aruba has identified shortcomings in the management and the supervision of government entities. For many government entities, the justification process is not in order. The government must supervise the justification duty of the government entities more strictly. A lack of transparency and justification may lead to future risks. The CAft has already drawn attention to the improvement of justification of entities like Serlimar and Arubus N.V. The CAft has reiterated its concerns and urges Aruba to increase financial self-reliance of government entities. Implementation of the National Ordinance on Corporate Governance is of importance in this context. Lastly, the CAft has observed an increase in government services that are carried out remotely without this having been duly substantiated. 


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