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Vice Chair of Common Court Presents 2023 Financial Year Report to Prime Minister Mercelina.

bloydenmercelina15092024PHILIPSBURG:---  In a pivotal meeting held on Thursday, September 12, 2024, Vice Chair of the Council of Supervision of the Common Court, Kelvin Bloyden, officially presented the 2023 Financial Year Report to Prime Minister Dr. Luc Mercelina of Sint Maarten.

During the high-level discussion, Bloyden and the Prime Minister reviewed key developments outlined in the report. They exchanged insights on critical operational matters affecting the Common Court, which serves Aruba, Curaçao, Sint Maarten, and the BES Islands. The meeting reaffirmed the collaborative efforts to strengthen judicial transparency and efficiency across the region.


TelEm Group taking decisive steps to ensure financial recovery and growth.

schoolsreport15092024Pond Island:--- The TelEm Group of Companies, in acknowledging a recent public discourse surrounding its financial state, strongly asserts that recently leaked information from within the company is misleading and is causing unnecessary harm. This erosion of trust is a serious concern, mainly as TelEm’s management works diligently to restore the company to profitability and stability.
Management is addressing these concerns directly, emphasizing that while TelEm faces financial challenges, much of the circulated information has been taken out of context and, in some instances, is blatantly incorrect. While this has caused some damage to the company’s relationships with lenders and vendors, management remains committed to a clear, long-term plan to rebuild TelEm’s financial health and reputation as a leading telecommunications provider in St. Maarten.

 Building a Leaner, More Efficient Company
The current financial challenges stem from developments over several years, and management has been transparent with all stakeholders, including lenders, about the situation. However, significant progress has already been made in restructuring the company and setting it on a path to recovery.
“We have implemented strategies to develop a leaner, more efficient TelEm Group, one that St. Maarten can be proud of,” management said. “We are surprised that certain individuals would choose to undermine these efforts by sharing misleading information, jeopardizing recovery. The motives behind such actions are unclear, but our focus remains on delivering positive outcomes.”
Positive Developments and Investments in the Future
Contrary to some of the negative narratives, TelEm has already embarked on several key initiatives that are bringing about tangible progress:
• SMPR-1 Undersea Fiber Cable Repair: TelEm has completed repairs on the SMPR-1 undersea fiber cable, which will soon be fully operational. This will enhance capacity for both business and residential customers and reduce costs associated with purchasing capacity from competitors.
• Upgrading Mobile Platforms: A technical team is upgrading TelEm's 3G and LTE platforms, leading to a more reliable network. These improvements will also set the foundation for the rollout of 5G services in 2025.
• Expanding Mobile Internet Services: New developments with TelEm’s Internet Service Provider (ISP) core will expand mobile internet coverage across the island, including the French side. This effort is critical to delivering better and broader service to all residents.
• Power System Revamp: TelEm has significantly upgraded power and backup systems at critical sites, including the SMITCOMS building and Earth station.
• New Billing System Launch: By the end of the year, TelEm will introduce a new, integrated billing system that will support the delivery of new digital services, including mobile phone payment options. This state-of-the-art system will improve customer service and streamline processes.
• Fiber-to-the-Home (FttH) Expansion: TelEm’s FttH project continues to expand, positioning the company as the premier fiber-optic service provider in St. Maarten. The ongoing efforts to connect more homes and businesses to fiber are key to providing world-class internet service to all customers.
Addressing Financial Challenges and Building for the Future
Management acknowledges that TelEm has faced significant financial hurdles, including an arbitration judgment related to a breach of contract. However, these issues are not new and have been part of an ongoing restructuring effort.
“You cannot talk about bankruptcy (as some have) or other dire consequences without recognizing the efforts being made to stabilize the company,” management stated. “It was clear that foundational issues had to be addressed, and we have taken tough but necessary decisions to set the company on a path to recovery.”

Rebuilding Trust and Moving Forward
Management remains confident that, with time, continued support from stakeholders, and ongoing improvements, TelEm can survive this challenging period and thrive in the future.
“Telecommunications is a highly dynamic and evolving industry. Our focus is on getting the basics right and rebuilding the trust of our customers and partners,” management said. “We ask for patience and understanding as we continue these efforts, and we assure all our stakeholders that TelEm is on the right path.”
Management would also like to extend a heartfelt thank you to TelEm’s customers for their loyalty and support during this time.
“Your trust in our ability to provide quality service is the foundation upon which we build a stronger future,” management asserts.

SLA's with school bus operators, Student Transportation Management System approved.

schoolbusessla15092024PHILIPSBURG:--- Demissionair Minister Lyndon Lewis has signed several Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with bus operators providing school transportation services on St. Maarten. These agreements aim to standardize and improve the management of school bus services on the island.

The SLAs are comprehensive and address key issues such as:

• Established routes
• Standards for both buses and drivers
• Responsibilities regarding bus operations and the supervision of students
• Remuneration and insurance requirements
• Other relevant operational matters

In addition to the signing of the SLAs, Minister Lewis is also pleased to announce that the Council of Ministers has approved the introduction of the Student Transportation Management System. This system is designed to bring structure and efficiency to student transportation, which has become increasingly expensive and challenging to control.

"Over the years, school busing has become costly, averaging over NAF 4.5 million annually, with the potential to increase. This is largely due to a lack of proper structure and insufficient staff to carry out the necessary controls," said Minister Lewis.

The new Student Transportation Management System will address these challenges by streamlining the administration and management of school bus services. However, Minister Lewis stressed that several administrative processes still need to be completed before the system is fully implemented.

The Ministry remains committed to ensuring a safe, efficient, and structured transportation system for students across St. Maarten, and the signing of these SLAs and the introduction of the Student Transportation Management System are important steps towards achieving that goal.


Lewis receives quality inspection report for public schools: urgent improvements needed.

lyndonlewis09052024PHILIPSBURG:--- The Inspectorate of Education has conducted a comprehensive Quality Inspection Report and presented it to Demissionair Minister of Education Lyndon Lewis. The report, finalized in June 2024, examines the quality of education in public schools across St. Maarten and provides detailed recommendations for improvement.

The inspection occurred between October 2023 and March 2024 and included lesson observations, interviews, and desk research. In addition, the inspection team conducted a thorough review of school facilities and materials. The goal of this process was to ensure that all students receive a sufficient education by identifying weak and very weak schools and providing actionable recommendations for improvement.

"The quality of education in our public schools is of utmost importance. This report serves as a reminder to school managers of their responsibilities and provides recommendations to help schools implement effective improvement plans," stated Demissionair Minister Lyndon Lewis.

“When we came into office, we faced several issues that have surfaced in the report and started to put plans in place to tackle these issues. Some could be handled in the short term; most require long-term decision-making and simple political will, which I have in abundance but won’t get the opportunity to exercise. I won’t be here for the long term, but the next Minister will face these same issues and will have to continue the work and cooperation with the inspectorate and public education in general,” Lewis said.

Overall Findings:

• A structured lesson plan template was not evident across the teacher population.
• Classroom management across the teacher population needs improvement.
• Inconsistencies were found in instructional procedures.
• Teachers did not consistently state the objectives of their lessons.
• Grammar and subject-verb agreement used by most teachers require improvement.
• The use of differentiated teaching methods is lacking.
• Student-teacher relationships in some cases were found to be poor.
• School climate and enthusiasm for learning need significant improvement.
• There is a lack of teacher motivation.
• Teachers are transferred between schools annually or mid-year, creating disruptions in learning.

While Minister Lewis acknowledged the concerns highlighted in the report, he emphasized the Ministry's commitment to addressing these challenges. "This report is crucial, and I have shared it with the Council of Ministers for their review. I look forward to discussing the findings in detail to ensure that the quality of education in our public schools is not only improved but maintained at a high level," said Minister Lewis. "However, I will reserve further comments on specific actions until after the Council of Ministers has had the opportunity to review and discuss the necessary steps."

The report also includes recommendations for improvement at three levels:

• School Management: To enhance leadership and management practices.
• Department of Education: To ensure that the education system is structured and supported effectively.
• Ministry of ECYS: To implement broader policy changes to address systemic issues in public education.

Minister Lewis concluded, "We will keep the public informed as we make progress in improving the quality of education for our children in public schools. Our goal is to ensure that every student in St. Maarten receives the best possible education in a supportive and motivating environment."


Lewis announces subsidy for St. Maarten Folksong Project.

Anastacialarmonie15092024PHILIPSBURG:--- Demissionaire Minister of Education, Culture, Youth, and Sport Lyndon Lewis has announced the approval of an incidental subsidy for the amount of ANG 129,682.08, which will be used to produce a book of original St. Maarten folksongs, record these songs, and document the process, including interviews with renowned music educator Mrs. Anastacia Larmonie.

The project, submitted through the Department of Culture, has been in development for approximately two years. "We are thrilled that the documents submitted were still valid, and we were able to move forward," said Demissionaire Minister Lyndon Lewis. "We expect the project to begin this fall officially."

This initiative, titled Sweet S’Maatin Land Folksong Recording and Songbook: Cultural Confidence, aligns with the Department of Culture's steady mission since 2018: to build Cultural Confidence by honoring the cultural legacy of our forebears and establishing a foundation for future generations.

Minister Lewis emphasized, "Cultural Confidence is about owning the legacy bestowed upon us by our elders, putting an infrastructure in place that supports this legacy, and laying the building blocks for our descendants to achieve economic success—both at home and on the global stage. Our talents, creativity, and innovation are the voices that will bring true prosperity through culture."

This project also supports a call from Parliament to develop more cultural content for schools' curricula and after-school programs. It seeks to create materials that tell WE-STORY, celebrating the traditions and wisdom of the island’s ancestors while also providing a platform for contemporary voices and innovation.

The book and recordings will capture a lifetime of research and the musical legacy passed down to Mrs. Anastacia Larmonie, a legendary music educator, vocal coach, musical arranger, and mentor to multiple generations of St. Maarten artists. Her work in preserving the island's cultural heritage has had a profound impact on the local and regional arts community.

Through this project, the Ministry and the Department of Culture aim to celebrate St. Maarten's rich cultural heritage, while laying the foundation for the island’s ongoing cultural and economic transformation. Cultural Confidence is not just about celebrating the past, but about preparing our youth to take their place on the world stage with pride in their heritage and confidence in their future.



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