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The hidden costs of re-current power outages for small properties.".

For Immediate Release

Ms. Paulina Nzinga Lake
St. Maarten Small Properties Association (SMSPA)
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September 18 2024


“The hidden costs of re -current power outages for Small Hoteliers: A National Crisis affecting Visitors and Businesses alike across the island,” says Ms. Paulina Lake, President of SMSPA

SMSPA applauds honorable MP Ludmila de Weever for shading light on the floor of Parliament on the effects on power outages for small hoteliers.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Grassroots - small hoteliers are feeling the strain more than ever on the current effects of power outages these past days. The hospitality industry, particularly smaller establishments, is grappling with the harsh realities of the current inconsistent power supply, which can diminish guest experiences and threaten business sustainability, says Ms. Paulina Lake, President of the Small Properties Association (SMSPA)

Power outages not only affect essential services such as air conditioning, internet, lights, telephone, and security systems but also significantly impact the overall perception of hotels by their guests. Visitors seeking relaxation and enjoyment are often discouraged by the prospect of being "stuck in the dark" during their holidays.

"The small hotel experience should be a comforting escape, but constant disruptions create uncertainty for our guests. The ambiance, comfort, and safety are compromised, leading visitors to reconsider their choice of accommodation," said Ms. Lake.

"Our hotels are our backbone, and without reliable power, we face the crippling challenge of not only losing income but also damaging our SMSPA member’s reputation."

In addition to the immediate discomfort for guests, these outages lead to additional operational costs. While backup generators may provide temporary relief, the mounting utility bills add further strain on already limited resources, pushing small hoteliers to the brink of financial distress in the future.

The ripple effects of this crisis are felt throughout the public and private sectors, as the hospitality sector plays a crucial role in local economies. Tourists deterred by fears of power interruptions may opt for destinations with more reliable infrastructures, leaving small hotels struggling to attract visitors and maintain their core services.

“Immediate action is required from policymakers and our utility provider to address the national power supply crisis. “We urge stakeholders to prioritize solutions that will enhance the stability of our power grid, ensuring that small hoteliers and businesses can thrive and continue to provide exceptional experiences for visitors," Ms. Lake

As the situation evolves, the Small Properties Association ( SMSPA) remains committed to supporting its members, guests and stakeholders while actively seeking innovative ways to maintain service excellence.



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