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EXCLUSIVE: Coalition Accord signed by four political parties, nine seat majority.

~ Mercelina 2 cabinet looks more like a Gumbs cabinet, with three ministers bearing the surname Gumbs. ~

PHILIPSBURG: --- Prime Minister Dr. Luc Mercelina, representing the Unified Resilient St. Maarten Movement (URSM), Sarah Wescot Williams from the Democratic Party (DP), Melissa Gumbs from the Party for Progress (PFP), and Franklin Meyers from the Soualiga Action Movement (SAM), all signed the coalition accord on Friday afternoon along with their respective Members of Parliament Elect.

The signed accord and the list of candidates for the Mercelina 2 cabinet must be submitted to the Governor’s Office by 5 p.m. on Monday.

Those who signed the agreement are as follows


  1. Prime Minister Dr. Luc Merclina
  2. MP Elect- Sjamira Roseburg
  3. MP Elect- Richinel Brug


 4. MP Elect- Sarah Wescot Williams

 5. MP Elect- Grisha Heyliger Marten

 6. MP Elect- Viren Kotai


 7. MP Elect Melissa Gumbs

8. MP Elect- Ludmilla de Weever


9. MP Elect- Franklin Meyers


The candidate Ministers that the four coalition partners have selected are as follows:

1. Prime Minister- Dr. Luc Mercelina/ Deputy Prime Minister Grisha Heyliger Marten.

2. VSA- Richinel Brug

3. ECYS- Melissa Gumbs

4. TEATT - Grisha Heyliger Marten

5. Finance- Marinka Gumbs

6. Justice— Nathalie Tackling. See the related story here.

7. VROMI- Patrice Gumbs.

8. Plenipotentiary - Gracita Arrindell

The current Minister of Justice, Lyndon Lewis, who is not part of the Mercelina 2 cabinet or coalition government, will be the key player until the screening process is completed.

Lewis will hold both positions, Minister of Justice and Member of Parliament, on the opposition benches. This will be an exciting situation since Lewis declared war on Wednesday last week when he clarified that he would monitor the entire council of ministers and intends to hold them accountable if they do not perform.

  Governor Ajamu Baly gave Prime Minister Dr. Luc Mercelina until November 15th, 2024, to present him with a final report on the candidate Ministers.

However, the three-month period with an opposition member of parliament in the Council of Ministers will be painful for the new coalition, the second 2x4 government elected in 2024.

MPs have the right to hold both roles for three months.

Dr. Luc Mercelina, Veronica Jansen Webster, Grisha Heyliger Marten, and Lyndon Lewis are the members of Parliament who will hold both roles.

After the screening is completed and the Mercelina 2 cabinet takes office, 15 people will be elected as Members of Parliament for the 2024- 2028 term.

MP Sjamira Roseburg, MP Veronica Jansen Webster, and Cris Wever represent the URSM faction.

MP Sarah Wescot Williams, MP Viren Kotai, and Dimar Labega will be representing the Democratic Party, while MP Ludmilla de Weever and Raeyhon Peterson, the Party for Progress (PFP), and MP Franklin Meyers representing the SAM.

Members of Parliament Egbert Jurendy Doran, Ardwell Irion, and Darryl York from the National Alliance, Omar Ottley, and Francisco Lacroes from the United Peoples Party, and Lyndon Lewis from the NOW party will be on the opposition benches.

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