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TelEm Group making solid progress stabilizing back up power supply systems.

dupersoytelem16072024 Pond Island:---  TelEm Group recently took delivery of brand-new telecommunication grade replacement batteries to stabilize power issues the company has been experiencing in recent weeks.

In a press conference two weeks ago, CEO Mr. Kendall Dupersoy announced the order of batteries to ensure additional backup power for the company’s SMITCOMS location in Harbour View and also at the earth station on Pond Island.

“The power department and sub-contractors have started immediately to remove expired stocks of batteries with new batteries that will provide many more hours of standby power once fully installed,” said Mr. Dupersoy.

He said the battery replacement operation has started at the SMITCOMS location where at least two major power interruptions have affected residential and business clients, due to corruption of hardware and software systems.

“With power systems fully restored and power stabilized, we can more confidently assure customers and the general public that we are continuing to do all we can to ensure they have continuous telecommunication services without fear of further interruptions,” said Mr. Dupersoy. The importance of having power backup at peak capacity during this hurricane season is also stressed.

The company expects to have its systems fully stabilized before year-end and possibly before that if all goes as planned.

Mr. Dupersoy meantime continues his appeal for customers and members of the public to remain patient during, what he says is a transitional phase.

“Customers will begin to see some noticeable improvements in service quality moving forward,” assures Mr. Dupersoy.

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