NESC St. Maarten and SMMTA Collaborate for Second Annual Job Fair.

nesc19092024PHILIPSBURG:--- The National Employment Services Center (NESC) St. Maarten and the St. Maarten Marine Trades Association (SMMTA) are pleased to announce their collaboration for the upcoming Second Annual Job Fair, set to take place on October 2, 2024, at the ALEEZE Convention Center in Madame Estate.
Last Friday, representatives from both organizations met to discuss this important partnership to highlight the vast opportunities available within St. Maarten's vibrant marine industry. The SMMTA will be present at the Job Fair to showcase careers' variety, scope, and potential in this dynamic sector. This collaboration is designed to provide job seekers with a clearer understanding of the marine industry, emphasizing its significance to the local economy and the wide range of career paths it offers.
"We are thrilled to collaborate with NESC St. Maarten on this initiative," said Jesse Peterson, a representative from SMMTA. "The marine industry is a cornerstone of our island’s economy, and we want to ensure that job seekers know the diverse opportunities available to them. The Job Fair provides an excellent platform for us to connect with potential candidates and discuss the skills and qualifications needed for success in this field."
NESC is equally enthusiastic about the partnership, recognizing the importance of bridging the gap between job seekers and industries like marine trades. "We are happy to provide a platform where our local workforce can better understand the marine industry," said Natasha Richardson, a representative from NESC. "By working together with the SMMTA, we hope to create a deeper understanding among job seekers about this sector and facilitate their entry into these valuable careers."
The SMMTA will actively promote the job fair, providing information on available vacancies at the event. Members of the SMMTA are encouraged to attend, offering insights into their businesses and sharing details about current job openings with attendees.
Both NESC and the SMMTA hope for a successful event and are committed to maintaining an ongoing dialogue to better explain and promote the marine industry on the island. Future discussions will focus on developing easier processes for hiring skilled positions and continuing to strengthen this partnership by examining training and education needs.
For more information about the National Job Fair, please contact the National Employment Services Center (NESC) through their NESC Connect WhatsApp Service at +1 721 523 6390 or via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Be sure to follow them on social media (@NESCSXM on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn) for updates and information on vacancies related to the National Job Fair and much more.


~Architecte conseil du CAUE le 27 septembre !~

L’architecte du Conseil d’Architecture d’Urbanisme et de l’Environnement (CAUE) sera présent à Saint-Martin, vendredi 27 septembre 2024, à l’annexe de la cité administrative de la Collectivité de Saint-Martin, 6 rue Jean-Jacques Fayel à Concordia, de 9h15 à 12h15.

Les architectes conseils du CAUE interviennent à titre gratuit et renseignent les particuliers dans différents domaines d’intervention tels que l’aide à la conception, l’orientation, l’implantation et l’intégration d’un bâtiment par rapport au site dans lequel il se situe. Il ne peut en aucun cas réaliser une opération de maîtrise d’œuvre, ni déposer un permis de construire, ni réaliser des missions d’expertise ou réalisation de plans pour les particuliers. Enfin, l’architecte du CAUE n’est pas habilité à se rendre sur le terrain.

Les consultations se font sans rendez-vous. Il est néanmoins souhaitable de contacter préalablement le CAUE par téléphone au 0590 81 83 85 / Par mail à : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Pour un conseil personnalisé, le particulier doit se munir des documents utiles :
- Photographie du terrain, des bâtiments et des abords
- Plan de situation, extrait cadastral, plan des bâtiments
- Tout autre document permettant d’apprécier le projet

Public meeting of Parliament regarding closing of the Parliamentary term February 2024 – September 2024,

PHILIPSBURG:--- The House of Parliament will sit in a Public meeting on September 19, 2024.

The public meeting is scheduled for Thursday at 14.00 hrs. in the Legislative Hall at Wilhelminastraat #1 in Philipsburg.


The agenda points are:
1. Incoming documents

2. Closing the Parliamentary Term February 2024 – September 2024

Article 59, paragraph 2 of the Constitution stipulates that a decree for dissolution shall also require new elections to be held for Parliament which has been dissolved and the newly elected Parliament to meet within three months.
During this Public meeting Members of Parliament will be given the opportunity to reflect on the past term and address Parliament and the people of Sint Maarten on this occasion.

Notable is that not all sitting Members of Parliament will be returning to Parliament to serve the upcoming term. These Members will be presented with a token of appreciation and some will also have their pictures added to the exhibit wall prior to the closing of the meeting.

Members of the public are invited to the House of Parliament to attend parliamentary deliberations. All persons visiting the House of Parliament must adhere to the house rules.

The House of Parliament is located across from the Court House in Philipsburg.

The parliamentary sessions will be carried live on TV 15, Soualiga Headlines, via SXM GOV radio FM 107.9, via Pearl Radio FM 98.1, the audio via the internet, and

Continuation urgent Public meeting of Parliament to discuss important developments at the Airport and Harbor.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The House of Parliament will sit in a Public meeting on September 19, 2024.

The urgent Public meeting which was adjourned on September 12, 2024, will be reconvened on Thursday at 10.00 hrs. in the Legislative Hall at Wilhelminastraat #1 in Philipsburg. The Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunication will be in attendance.

The agenda point is:
Deliberations with the Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport, and Telecommunication regarding important developments at the Airport and the Harbor (IS/908/2023-2024 dated July 8, 2024)

This meeting was requested by MP A.M.R. Irion, MP S.E. Jacobs, MP E.J. Doran and MP C.L. Marlin

All persons visiting the House of Parliament must adhere to the house rules.

The House of Parliament is located across from the Court House in Philipsburg.

The parliamentary sessions will be carried live on TV 15, Soualiga Headlines, via SXM GOV radio FM 107.9, via Pearl Radio FM 98.1, the audio via the internet, and


Completion of the Entrepreneurship Development Program.

edp19092024PHILIPSBURG:--- The Sint Maarten Entrepreneurship Development Center (SEDC) Foundation, endorsed by the Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunications (TEATT), is pleased to announce the completion of the first Entrepreneurship Development Program (EDP), the first in a four-part series.

The four-week, two-class-per-week entrepreneurship training program is funded through the NRPB, which implements projects on behalf of the government of St Maarten under the Trust Fund.

The EDP kick started with 30 persons: ten (10) males and twenty (20) females. Of these, seventeen (17) are aspiring entrepreneurs, five (5) are engaged in business activities, and eight (8) have existing businesses.

The program successfully met the participants' expectations, who praised the material shared, the interactive setting of the sessions, and the coach’s enthusiasm and ability to simplify complex topics.

A special thanks to Dr. Ann Marlin-Evans, a business trainer and coach, who conduct the first four-week training. Dr. Marlin-Evans lived up to her reputation as an entrepreneurship trainer and coaching expert while creating a lively and interactive atmosphere.

Upon completing the EDP, the SEDC will continue providing guidance to encourage aspiring entrepreneurs to develop and launch their business ideas and enhance and professionalize the existing ones.

With the application deadline for loans and grants under NRPB’s Enterprise Support Project (ESP), which is part of the Sint Maarten Trust Fund, financed by the Dutch Government and managed by the World Bank, closing in June 2025, the SEDC will offer services including providing the participants with full support in the application process.

The next EDP is slated for November with registration to begin in October 2024, via SEDC social media pages.

For more information, contact SEDC @ +1-721-542-8898 or +1-721-556-5653.
